Call for Scripts: Playing with Fire
Playing with Fire
There are moments in life where people take a risk, stir up trouble or behave recklessly and the results can be profound, humorous and heart breaking. There are other moments when we just sit back, play with matches and watch the flames flicker. Pitchy Breath Theatre Company present a series of short plays about risky decisions, troublemakers and the consequences of our actions.
Would you like your script brought to life
Pitchy Breath, a community theatre company based in Crawley, is looking for new plays to produce as part of ‘Playing with Fire’. The plays should have a minimal set, be no longer than 25 minutes, suit the above title and fit the above remit – it’s up to you and your imagination. They can be of any genre – we will be looking for humour / drama / intrigue / anything!
The plays will be performed at The Hawth in November 2016 so all scripts need to be submitted by 11.59pm on Monday 1 August 2016.
Pitchy Breath produces an amazingly diverse range of work featuring local actors written by local writers which play to sell out audiences. If you have an idea for a script you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by sending your work to